Juicy Stakes Poker has been a troubled internet poker website for a couple of years now. Juicy Stakes Poker just announced today that their company has been purchased by Zagox Management. This will hopefully bring a new light to the brand and increase its position with poker players online.
The announcement of the buyout was made over email and said the follow, “For a long time we as a company has been looking for new ways to make our customers gambling experience more enjoyable and thrilling. Unfortunately the task we sought out proved to be too difficult for us but Zagox Manangement N.X has bought out our company and will now be the solution for Juicy Stakes Poker”.
If you are a previous player of Juicy Stakes Poker you will not need to worry. If you have won money and have yet to cash it out you will be able to put in the request again. All requests for cash outs before Zagox Management bought out Juicy Stakes Poker will be processed during a timeframe given to you by a cashier.
Juicy Stake Poker’s representative apologized for the inconvenience this might cause the customers of Juicy Stakes Poker. He also went on to stress that all the cash outs will be paid out during a timeframe that the cashier will give to you. He also ensured the loyal players of Juicy Stakes Poker that their gambling experience will only continue to improve with this new management.